Frequently Asked Questions

No, Suned High is a state-funded school and offers free tuition to all students, similar to any traditional public school.

YES. Students that graduate receive a state-recognized high school diploma, not a GED.

Yes.  Suned High is accredited by Cognia and a member of the Florida Consortium of Public Charter Schools.

Traditional high schools are about round pegs fitting into round holes. Everyone’s day starts and ends at the same time. Everyone takes the same core classes. Everyone moves from room to room when the bell rings.

But what if you’re not a round peg? What if your life has edges that set you apart? At SunEd, our belief is that education should fit you – not the other way around. We understand that not everyone has the luxury of starting their day at the same time. Or even starting the school year the same month.

Only 15% of all GED recipients who go to college earn a degree, compared to 65% of those who enter college with a high school diploma.

Want more numbers supporting the importance of a diploma?

  • High school dropouts typically earn $18,900 annually
  • High school graduates earn $26,105 annually
  • College graduates earn $45,500 or more annually

We provide flexible AM and PM schedules that meet our student needs. Many students may have a full-time job or a baby to care for. Some have personal circumstances that prevent them from being able to attend a full normal school day. We work around our students’ life schedules.

Every student receives an Individual Academic and Career Plan (IACP) that will be determined by their academic needs and career goals. Once school starts, you will partake in a mix of academics, workplace instruction and experience, and social skills preparation. Your “classes” will consist of individual computer work, small group sessions, independent work and, of course, one on one tutoring will be provided if and when needed.

What are you waiting for?

Come join the SunEd family today!  This call can change your life. We are waiting to assist you in making important decisions regarding your education and your path to a high school diploma!  Please contact us with any comments, questions or concerns you have.  We are here to help you!

What are you waiting for?

Come join the SunEd family today!  This call can change your life. We are waiting to assist you in making important decisions regarding your education and your path to a high school diploma!  Please contact us with any comments, questions or concerns you have.  We are here to help you!